Family Services of the North Shore

Gift-in-Kind Donation Form

34th Annual Winter Family Ball
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thank you for your donation to the Winter Family Ball auction.
To ensure we receive accurate information about your gift please complete the following form and submit by October 15, 2019.

For donations requiring a gift-in-kind tax receipt please include your sales receipt or appraisal in a clearly marked envelope and attach with your donation or mail to:

Family Services of the North Shore Winter Family Ball,
# 203 – 1111 Lonsdale Avenue,
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 2H4

Step 1 — Donor Information

As it should appear for recognition purposes.

Step 2 — Donation Details
 Merchandise Donation
 Wine Donation
 Gift Card


FAIR MARKET VALUE:* $ (not including sales tax)

FSNS reserves the right to confirm any valuation with an independent appraisal.


Unless otherwise specified, the donation will start December 2, 2019.

Step 3 — Shipping Information

Unless specified, all donations other than perishables and live flowers must be received by November 15.

I will deliver my donation to Family Services on
My donation will be ready to pick up after

Branded gift bags, product information, or props are helpful to create an eye-catching display. Please label all props that are to be returned.

Step 4 — Tax Receipt Eligibility
Do you require a tax receipt?: *  Yes  No

Donation Agreement:

Thank you for your donation. Family Services of the North Shore reserves the right to package any donation with other items, promote the donation in the silent auction or raffle or may be used for future fund-raising activities.

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