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We’re here to help you celebrate the holidays

Many of us have had financial struggles in our lives. Many of your North Shore neighbours have struggled, too, and they want to help you to celebrate the holidays with your family.

If you’re unable to afford the holidays and would like to participate in the Christmas Bureau, our community is here to help. Many of the families who now give back to the Christmas Bureau were participants at some point in their lives, too.

Christmas Bureau location 

The Christmas Bureau is located at Family Services of the North Shore Community Hub at Capilano Mall, 943 Marine Drive, P2, North Vancouver. The entrance to our Community Hub is accessible only via P2 parking garage.  We are located on the upper floor of the former Sears department store, once on P2 of the parking garage (look for the 4 blue doors and Family Services of the North Shore signs along he far west wall).   To access the P2 parking garage:  

  • Turn off Marine Drive onto Hanes Avenue
  • Take your SECOND RIGHT up the ramp to the Capilano mall underground parking
  • Turn IMMEDIATELY RIGHT into the P2 parking garage

Please note, you cannot access our Community Hub through the mall. 

How the Christmas Bureau works

Our Christmas Bureau volunteer team is here to help you in a few different ways:

The Toy Shop – You can choose new, donated toys and gifts for your children ages 18 and younger. We know that toys and gifts for children are expensive, and The Toy Shop is a place where you can select a present that you can give to your child yourself. 

Holiday gift baskets – You can also choose to receive a basket filled with grocery gift cards, wrapped presents for each member of your family, and other festive items.  Our community understand that holiday time can be difficult and expensive, and they want you to have what you need to celebrate the season with your family.

Do I qualify for support?

If you live on the North Shore and will be home for the holidays, we will set up an appointment with you to understand your family’s needs and wishes and tell you more about the Christmas Bureau. Please bring the following documents to your appointment:

  • Valid Government Identification
  • Proof of income (recent pay stubs or most recent income tax Notice of Assessment)
  • Proof of address (telephone, gas, or hydro bill)
  • B.C. Care Cards for each child (if applicable)

Thanks to the support of our donors and volunteers, there is no cost for this service.

How to apply for support

If you are new to the Christmas Bureau, or an existing client who has not yet had an appointment this year, call our office at 604-984-9627, Monday to Friday, between 10am and 4pm to book an appointment.

If you have any questions, please contact the Christmas Bureau at 604-984-9627 or

Email Us