Thank you to all donors for their generous support who gave between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024.

- Anonymous
- Krogseth Foundation
- North Shore Community Foundation
- RBC Foundation
- Robin Pascoe and Rodney Briggs
- The Houssian Foundation

- Anonymous
- Djavad Mowafaghian Foundation
- Northshore Auto Mall
- The Fuller Family
- The Mackay and Walsh Family

- Anonymous
- Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
- Darwin Properties Ltd.
- Dr. Maryam Zeineddin Inc.
- Grouse Mountain
- Hunter Family Foundation Fund, held at Vancouver Foundation
- Janice Blocka and Peter Barnes
- Jim Pattison Developments Ltd.
- Lianne Britnell and Family
- Meredith Weir and Ray Stewart
- Nancy Adie-MacKay and Alex MacKay
- Relling Family Foundation
- Seaspan ULC
- TD Bank
- TELUS Friendly Future Foundation
- The Wheelbarrow Fund
- West Vancouver Community Foundation
- Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.
- Young Foundation

- Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
- BlueShore Financial
- Bob Yau
- Capilano Lodge #164
- Connaught Retail Limited Partnership
- DLO Move Support Services Ltd.
- Empty Stocking Fund
- Fograscher Family Fund
- Gregory and Susan Fauquier
- Grosvenor Canada
- Heather and Horst Duess
- John and Arthur Geeling
- Lakes, Whyte LLP
- Mount Seymour Lions Club
- Neptune Bulk Terminals (Canada) Ltd.
- Alison Parry and Steeve Routhier
- Park Shore BMW
- Sandra McIntosh-Kocaba and Jan Kocaba
- Southern Butler Price, LLP
- The Old Spaghetti Factory Canada Ltd.
- Westcoast Wills & Estates Law Corporation

- 325 Holdings Ltd.
- Air Canada Foundation
- Anthem Properties Group Ltd.
- City Wide Mortgage Services
- Don Piercy
- Donna and Ernest Bodie
- Greater Vancouver Food Bank
- Kees and Cornelis Van Der Werff
- KIA North Shore
- Ledcor Industries Inc.
- Malcolm and Janice Hunter
- McLean & Armstrong LLP
- Nancy and David Chapman
- Neil Chrystal and Andrea Hamilton
- Patrick and Lorraine Ma
- Pembina Pipeline Corporation
- Sager Nairne LLP
- Scotia McLeod Charitable Foundation
- Scott Dempster Personal Real Estate Corporation
- Sharon Jenvey
- Sue and Bob Bauman
- The Cumulus Fund
- The Moon Gate Foundation
- Travis and Crystal Prystai
- William and Betty Fox
- Zelma Rebmann-Huber

- Anonymous
- Diana Budden and Neil Alexander
- ALF Software Inc.
- Andrew Mahon Foundation
- Lorena and Craig Angus
- Paula Askew
- Glenn and Nicola Bailey
- Adele Barnett and William Barnett
- William Barraclough
- Ms. Leanne Bate
- Bob and Sue Bauman
- David Bauman and Ashley Bauman
- Jo-Ann and Brian Bayley
- BC Hydro Power Smart
- Marilyn Bell and Rob Mackay
- David and Cheryl Bell
- Bohdan and Doris Bodnar
- Michael Borden
- Linda and Alexander Boronowski
- Nicholas Boyd and Cynthia Gardner
- British Pacific Properties Ltd.
- Carolyn and Steven Broady
- Steven and Karen Bruk
- Peter and Heather Buckley
- and Mr. Tamara Bustos
- Wendy Carter and Brian Wallace
- Eric and Tracey Christiansen
- Chubb Insurance Company of Canada
- Alyssa and Lance Clarke
- Darlene Clarke Hole
- Coast Capital Savings [Employee Group]
- Colin Cuthbert Personal Real Estate Corporation
- Collingwood School Parents Council
- Paul Conibear
- Sharon Cooper
- Amy and Bart Corbett
- Dennis and Kathleen Cote
- Yvonne and Wilbur Couling
- David and Deborah Couling
- Diana and Tom and Tom Cowden
- Trish Cox
- Ginny Crawford and Alan Bone
- Scott and Susan Cressey
- Robert Cross and Carolyn Cross
- Cameron and Wendy Currie
- Chrissy and Tonyq da Roza
- Louise Donovan
- John Dube
- Marousa Dumaresq
- Ecole Pauline Johnson Parent Advisory Council
- Entertainment Partners Canada ULC
- David Fahey
- Amanda and Todd Farrell
- William Fensom
- Fernwood Foundation
- Barbara Filewych
- Julia Grant
- Derek Grech
- Susan and Peter Green
- Guild Yule LLP
- Hamber Foundation
- Hannah Family Fund
- Harbourview Commercial Realty Ltd.
- Jennifer Harper
- William Heese
- Paul and Coryn Hemsley
- Hobbs Winter and MacDonald Land Surveyors
- Jo Lynne Hoegg
- JoAndrea Hoegg
- Hollyburn Country Club
- Holm Enterprises Inc.
- Kathryn Holmes
- Holtby Family Foundation
- Judy Howard and James Howard
- Mimi and Jim Hudson
- Gary and Michele Huebner
- David and Jennie Humer
- John and Andrea Irwin
- Lucy Isham-Turner and James Isham
- Kristy James
- JCI Institute
- Heather Johnstone
- Carly Jukes
- Kiwanis Club of West Vancouver
- Laurie Kohl
- Catherine and Don Konantz
- Jeri and Don Krogseth
- Gordon and Gabrielle Lancaster
- Fred Lee
- Carlota and Derek Lee
- Grace Lee
- Audra and Alan Ligumsky
- Livingspace Interiors
- Ludwig Family
- Jo-anne and Kevin Mahon
- Rose and Kevin Mahoney
- Hanif Mamdani and Jessica Taylor
- Vivian and Darren Martin
- Gary Mathiesen
- Jeffrey McCord and Kelsey Letham
- Dean McDonald
- Nicole Milani
- Cynthia Miles and Paul Balfour
- Wendy Mitchell
- Nancy Morrison
- Melanie and Munesh Muttucomaroe
- Michelle Noorani
- Leah and John O’Neill
- Robert and Beverly O’Neill
- Janice O’Sullivan
- Jon and Karle Palfrey
- Lori and Todd Patrick
- Ross and Caron Penhall
- Michelle Perrault
- Christopher and Shelley Philps
- Tim and Patricia Quan
- Caroline Ramsay and Cameron Lusztig
- Linda and Christopher Ramsden
- Bonnie Robertson
- Christina Rowntree
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch #114 Lynn Valley
- Diane Rupka
- Sacre-Davey Engineering
- Saeedeh Salem
- Zahra Salisbury
- Karen Sander
- Dmitry Brooks and Marilyn Sandford
- Carolyn Scholz
- Roz Seyednejad
- SOMA Public Relations
- Monica Soprovich
- Soroptimist International of North & West Vancouver
- Spartan Sport Group
- Julia and Sheryl Staub-French
- Sean Stevens
- Ian and Jane Strang
- Brent Sutton and Lesley MacGregor
- Tina Swinton
- Dean Tait
- The BRAND Real Estate Group
- Ann Thinghuus
- Treco Development Corporation
- Turning Point Rehab Canada Ltd
- Upward Construction
- Andrea Virostek
- Shirley and James Vollett
- Michael Wade
- Trent and Emma Walsh
- Coleen Weir
- West Vancouver Fire Fighters Charitable Society
- West Vancouver Football Club
- West Vancouver Secondary School
- West Vancouver Yacht Club
- Kathleen and John Whyte
- Sean and Sari Wiens
- Alison and Dave Wilson
- Gordon and Wendy Wolfe
- Wolverton Foundation
- Christy and Kevin Young
- 512111 B.C. Ltd. Business Prime Pro

- Anonymous
- Leanne Abraham
- Allan and Carol Achtemichuk
- Albatross Enterprises Inc.
- Candice Alderson
- Anita Atwal Law
- MJ and Jimmy Athwal
- Violet Barham
- Diane and Timothy Barry
- Bayview Lonsdale Dentist
- Doug and Patricia Bentley
- Andreea Beutel
- Jane Bonenfant
- Janice Boyd
- Rebecca Brewer
- Emily and Andrew Brine
- Karey Brooks
- Palle and Birgit Buch
- Diana Budden and Neil Alexander
- Burgundy Legacy Foundation
- Victoria and John Burritt
- Joan Carlile
- Barbara and Robert Chase
- Kelly Clauson
- Jeff and Michelle and Jeff Clay
- Charlie Cleghorn and Marissa Poratto-Cleghorn
- Monica Clemiss
- Guy and Ann Collette
- Della and Denis Connor
- Cooperwilliams Truman LLP
- Deborah and David Cottrell
- Janet Courage
- Diana and Tom and Tom Cowden
- Christian Crosby
- Darrell De La Mare
- Wayne and Lynne Desjardins
- Lisa Devine
- John Doolan
- Aria Duggan and Oneida Duggan
- Deborah and Allan Edgeworth
- Gunnar and Catherine Eggertson
- Pam and Kent Elliott
- Sandy Elliott
- Rob Emlyn
- Darrell and Dierdre Ert
- Ethical Flooring
- Susan Facey
- Joan and Bill Feyrer
- Christiane and Charles Forgie
- Forte Workplace Law
- Jennifer Foster
- Carol Fraser
- Al Gair
- Frances and Michael Gallo
- Stephen Gene
- Bettina Giblin
- Deborah Gill
- Leslie Goldsmith Jones
- Isabel Gordon
- Maetel Grant and Allan Best
- J Allison and Ryan Hall
- Buck Halliday
- Amanda Halliday
- Paul and Tracy Harbidge
- Harriet and John Hay
- Lianne Hayes
- Raymond and Evelyn Hazlett
- Andrew and Patricia Holmes
- Shelley Hrdlitschka
- Rick and Lara Irwin
- Douglas Neil Johansen
- Sandy and Ewen Johnston
- William Johnstone
- Joyce Investments Ltd.
- Deborah Keyes
- Larry’s Sports Shop
- Lawson & Coleman
- Nancy Lee
- Peter Leitch
- Barbara and Jeff Lunter
- Jeff Lunter and Barbara Lunter
- Linda and Howard Scott MacDonald
- Darryl and Kim Mackie
- Michael Mackintosh
- Patricia Macleod
- Vince Macri
- John Mancini
- Don and Lois Martin
- Sandy Mathiesen
- Robert and Judith McCormack
- Mary and Paul McGivern
- Kelly McInerney and Patrick Llewellyn
- Andrew McLaren
- Karen McNeill
- Miles Industries Ltd.
- Brian Moghadam and Gayle Hunter
- James Montgomery
- Phyllis Moore
- Elizabeth Moran
- Marguerite Munzel
- Ali Nowtash
- MEL O’Keeffe
- Deirdre and Jim O’Keeffe
- Karin Olson
- PACE Spin Studio
- Parkgate Pacers Walking Group
- Alison Parkinson and John & Alison Parkinson
- Cindy Pasco
- Nick Petropolis
- Alfonso and Carla Pezzente
- Thea Pheasey
- Kathryn Player
- Polly Reitze, Personal Real Estate Corporation
- Polyester Music Productions
- Siobhan and David Posnikoff
- Provincial Employees Community Services Fund
- Joshua and Yanica Radcliffe
- Jody Rayher
- Rennie Financial Ltd.
- Peter and Sheila Ross
- Ronald Roy
- Richard and Laura Samaroo
- Sarah Samphire
- Sonja Sanguinetti
- Alan Saunders
- Cat Schachtel
- Bruce and Karen Scott
- Scott Seybold
- Shireen Shepard
- Joanna Shillington
- Katharine Smith
- Gordon and Debra Smith
- Pascal & Isabelle Spothelfer
- St. Catherines Capilano Anglican Church
- Michele Stanimir
- Chris Stepien
- Louise Sullivan
- Evan Tait
- The Jennings Family
- Time Out Source For Sports
- United Way British Columbia
- Amy Usher and Cam Grieve
- Vancouver Pile Driving Ltd.
- Shelagh Van Kempen
- Don Vassos
- Chris Vondette
- Wendy Carter and Brian Wallace
- Mike Walton
- Ian and Mary Walton
- Elizabeth and Donald Warren
- Paul Wearmouth and Karen Williams
- Carolyn and John Webster
- Robert Wilds and Kaayla Wildor
- Nemelia and Hein Winckler
- Lisa Wolverton
- Jennifer Wong
- Alex Wong
- Jennifer Wood
- Michael and Cathie Woods
- Robert Wynick
- David Young
- Christopher Zed
- Lisa Zoretich

- Anonymous
- Kim Allard
- Douglas Allen and Barb Oswald-Allan
- Courtney and Mark Atmore
- B.A. Blacktop Ltd.
- Sara Bailey and Sang Park
- Michelle Baines and Jim Rowe
- Cathryn Barr
- Kathryn Bayley
- Beccas Bags Boutique
- Danielle Belgue
- Robert and Allison Benson
- Lindsay Beveridge
- Briana Bishop
- Black Angus Management
- Dylan Bliss and Sue Cleall
- Bole Apartments Ltd.
- Ian and Ruth Borland
- Miriam Borys Busby
- Jessica Bottiglieri
- Carissa and Jason Boudreau
- Meryn Bowen
- Lawson and Lindsey Branch
- Brent Comber Originals
- Donald and Lynn Brown
- Chris Elsner and Kelly Brown
- Teresa Budd
- Diana Budden and Neil Alexander
- Erin Bulycz
- Kim Campbell
- Janine Campbell
- James and Rhonda Cates
- Barbara and Bill Cave
- Henry and Michelle Chow
- Teresa Ciolfitto
- Andrea Cormier
- Jacqueline Coulter
- CPE Systems
- Patti Cross Cheryl and Graeme Currie
- Jessica Curry
- Stephanie Daniels
- Navaz and Percy Daruwalla
- Kimberly Dixon
- Cathy Doucet
- Kimberley Douglas and Jason King
- Kimberly Draper
- Justin Dyer
- Kathryn Edwards
- Kelly Edwards
- Gunnar and Catherine Eggertson
- EIG Consulting Inc
- Sandy Farrell
- Shannon and Cory Fleck
- Paul and Holly Flynn
- Frankie & Co
- Julia Freeman
- Jessica Gares
- Kevin Gee
- Gehl Media Inc
- Lorraine Gill
- Eric Girardin
- Kristen Goldsmith
- Margaret Good
- Maureen and Maurice Goulet
- Gravity Construction
- Susan and Peter Green
- Debra and James Green
- Amy and David Green
- Green Core Consulting Ltd.
- Sheri and Shahid Gul
- Greg and Samantha Gutmanis
- Imogen Hadfield
- Lisa Hammermeisler
- Melanie Harmer
- Paul and Coryn Hemsley
- Dev and Nancy Hildebrand
- Jane Hilliard
- Emma Houston
- Stuart Ince
- Laura Jackson
- Ann Jefferson
- Amy Johnstone
- McKenna Kale
- Ian and Kyran Kennedy
- Hannah Kochuk
- Tina Lanzi Ricard
- Anne LeBlanc
- Amanda Lee
- Elaine Lightfoot
- Andrea Linsley
- Jennifer Longworth
- Richard and Donna Lopez
- and Ms. James Macaulay
- Melanie Macauley
- Anne and Dan Mackie
- Susane MacPhee-Manning
- Laura Matthias
- Calvin and Andrea McDonald
- Sandra McIntosh-Kocaba and Jan Kocaba
- Joan McKey
- Danielle Moore
- Steven Morgan
- Catherine Moroney
- Richard Murray
- David Murray
- Catherine Mutala
- Shahrooz Nabavi
- Neon Astronauts Creative Inc.
- Tara Niemetz
- Nomad Coffee and Bakery
- Michelle Noorani
- Leah Nyhus
- Emily Oborne
- So Youn Park
- Jon Patterson
- Kirsten and Ali Pejman
- Ross and Caron Penhall
- Kirsteen Pirie and Curt Bernardi
- Vivienne Plunkett
- Zara Priest
- Rennie Financial Ltd.
- Tanya Rosemarin
- Jeff and Jeni Rowe
- Alison and Norman Sawers
- Stacey Schwegler
- Barbara Stackhouse
- Farah Steen
- Erin Stevenson
- Michael Suffield
- Gaylean and David Sutcliffe
- Lara Taylor
- Amy Lynn Taylor and Bryce Wassersleben
- Julia and Andrew Tennant
- Ria Terins
- The BRAND Real Estate Group
- Sultan and Kumel Thiara
- United Strangers Corner Store
- Vancouver’s North Shore Tourism Association
- Randal van Eijnsbergen
- Troy and Lesley Vassos
- Chris Versteeg
- Julie Vesely
- Shera Watson
- Hamish Weatherly
- Dustin and Jordan White
- Kathleen White
- Kathleen and John Whyte
- Heidi Wightman
- Sarah and Michael Wildman
- Lucy Williams
- Shelane Wiseman
- Janet Woodruff
- Rachel Wyles
- Gordon and Prisca Wylie
- Elizabeth Young
- Amanda Zibin
- Zogo Hospitality Consulting
- 10net Managed Solutions Ltd.